It is always nice when they recognize your contribution as a professional, and in order to convey this appreciation from the company, we designed this gift exclusively for the retirement party of one of its mechanics.


The gift represents a nut, surely one of the most common and basic elements in a mechanic's day-to-day life. But this nut does not really exist, and what allows us to visualize it are the three shapes that frame it and a wooden cylinder that floats suspended in the center of the piece. The three pieces of aluminum represent the professional values ​​of the honoree, and the central cylinder, which gives meaning to the image of the nut, his personal value.

To carry out this design, the most important thing was to determine in what position the magnets should be placed that would allow the floating effect of the wooden cylinder to be achieved, and at the same time fix its position so that it was perpendicular to the frontal plane of the gift.

From here the gift was built using walnut wood and several anodized aluminum pieces in different colors and laser engraved.

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