We present the new SUSTAINABILITY AWARD trophy, designed by José Miguel Tortajada, for the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF) The design is inspired by the letter S (sus...
Reproduction of a relief, in the late Romanesque style, to which we made a polychrome application to try to simulate what it might have looked like in its original state. In this case we use acry...
Wood is a difficult material to reproduce, as it has a surface with a very varied texture, as well as a diversity of tones, glazes and colors. So we had to take it into account to be able to make a...
Coinciding with the celebration of the Festa Major de Bellpuig 2020, we put on sale the miniature reproductions of the image of the Mare de Déu dels Dolors de Bellpuig. It is a figure of 21 cm in...
At L'ESFERA we like to work directly with our clients (companies, associations, museums, institutions ...) to study and propose the making of company gifts exclusively for them. As an example, we...
During this period of confinement at home that we all have to live, there is time to do everything. With the help of my daughter, and with various remains that we have been collecting after order...
Ja hem acabat la reparació de la malmesa imatge de la Verge del Roser de Preixana. Es tracta d'una imatge de 110cm d'alçada, feta amb guix i arpillera, a la que algú havia fet una intervenció molt ...
L'Esfera wishes all of you a pleasant and nice Christmas time and a really inspiring year 2020.
El diumenge 24 de novembre a les 12 del migdia al Teatre Armengol de Bellpuig, s’ha celebrat el Concert de Santa Cecília amb què les entitats musicals de la vila honoren a la patrona dels músics. A...
Aquest passat dissabte, dia 23 de novembre de 2019, es va presentar la nova mascota de l'escola Bressol Municipal Els Tabollets d'Aitona. Com no podia ser d'una altra manera, la mascota és un perso...
En marzo de 2019 se inauguró el nuevo Centro de Interpretación de los Castillos, ubicado en el interior del Castilo de Fuensaldaña (Valladolid)